Monday, May 9, 2011

My Blogs From Norway Trip 2!!


by Shelli Rodgers on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 11:36am
Update: Yesterday jetlag got me and I fell asleep at 18:00ish. gah! And was woken by Åvek (this lil norwegian fella) then by some futbol danish fans! They didn't tell me their names just that theyre Danes. Heh! I walked around without a map!! Its not hard to get around Oslo. It looks like Madison; everything branches off the people street where the university and royal castle are. Jus like everything branches off State St. Pfttt! Ou I also got me some pølsen (pølser) are hot dogs. They are so fricken good and I missed them. I got to my place then went to the closest 7-11 and got one. MMMMMMmmmmmm!!! TODAY I got up late can you believe that. Those danes made sooo much noise. Åvek and I couldnt sleep and were kicking the walls for them to shut up! Then one of them greeted me by opening the loo door while pooing. Golly.. I mean I have no shame but he should have. Fricken National Museum was closed for remodling. I was sad. But tonite I will be seeing Tobias play some musikk!!! Yeah!! Thas it.. ou and I got yo pres Lena!!


by Shelli Rodgers on Sunday, March 27, 2011 at 4:56am
UPDATES 2!! Okay so last night I went to see Tobias play at cafe Mir. Their musikk was awesome! I have never heard anything like that before. I wish I had a recorder. The music was very experimental slash trans. I could do power yoga to it. I swear I zoned off into a different world! Ive changed my mind on best drummer Ive ever seen.... Yeah its Tobias! It was sooooo great! The bar was cool too. It was New Orleanian looking. Very small like Sophias small!! With cool art everywhere. I forgot my camera cord at home so I will post pictures the day I get back! And of course walking back from Mir I get stopped by some Nigerian asking for  my name and number. I let him facebook me whatever. He was nice but I have no intentions on meeting him. Funny he calls afro women chocolate girl. Hmmm... What else.... OH!! Yeah me and Aslak the lil norsk kid yeah I had to ask how to spell his name. haha! We watched the european cup game: Denmark Vs. Norge. It was tied 1-1. Boooo!!! Aslak was supposed to meet me at Cafe Mir but I think he got too drunk from disappointment. Hes still missing. Its 1030am here and he never came back. Ummmm..... Yeah so I went to the Kiwi... Kiwi is a local small grocery store. I got Lefse Snack in norsk Smurt tykklefese med kanel. Its a thin naan like bread with caramel spread. I should have got the regular one this is too sweet. OU and apparently Norway does day light savings time too Lena. Since Aslak never came back I went to play with the Danes. They finally told me their names. Lets see the potty flasher was Andreas... then the one that looked iranian.... Which he was!! Is Peter. Then Casper! Casper is a common name in Denmark. I was like awe thas sooo cute. Especially since they called him the english translation runt. He was 23 the youngest and couldnt hold his liquor. Then there was another Andreas and Nicolas. Potty flasher felt the need to tell me jokes all into the night and complain about how Denmark is better than Norway cuz there are less rules and no censoring on tv and you can drink in the street and how you go to school there is you are in the same class for 12 yrs! No primary/middle/highschool. I couldnt handle that! These guys have known each other for that long! Which is kinda cool. I'm debating on looking for that lil norsk kid. He could be on the street behind a dumpster or sumfin. Anyways OH yeah I forgot Aslak and I studied norsk together while drinking up the Danes beer. hehehehe! I think I need a tutor working with someone is much more helpful. It was easy to imitate. He said my accent and pronauciation was perfect! Only because I could imitate him. Otherwise I think I sound like a westerner trying to speak norsk. hah! Thats all for today. Now I am going to shower, kick back, and go to the Munch museum. Can't Wait! Ha det!!!!

Tobias Fan foto


by Shelli Rodgers on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 8:59am
UPDATES 3 i Norge! Before I forget!!! Whats new... hmm I went to the Munch Musset and what to my horrors that the painting of the Scream is housed at the National Gallery.... which is closed for renovations! Bull Shit!! My second time in Norway and I still cant see the painting that is all responsible for my love of the arts!!! Looks like Im going to have to plan another trip. Jonas you will be seeing me again very soon!! Last night was a bummer. I couldnt meet up with Inge cuz she was going to a concert. It looked like it would have been fun but it was 270kr which is like 70USD. Ive never spent that much on a concert ticket that I wasnt planning on going to. Oh well hopefully I will get to see her after classes! =D I didnt do much yesterday I was pretty tired for some reason. I woke up late! and I cant remember what I was doing the night before uhhh maybe i wrote it down. hmm. I had to wake Aslak up at 8am because he was leaving to do his talk at a school about his experience in south america. he´ll be going to tromsø also so i may run into him again. fun fun or gøy gøy i cant pronauce that word still ugh! today im just chilling. and a little disappointed because my penpal thomas´plane was delayed! so i wont get to meet him tomorrow. but hopefully before i leave norway. later im going to go to Heiman Husflid. its a clothing and crafts store. ive decided to pick up a piece of traditional jewlery from every country ive visited. if anyone wants to see my mexican finds just ask. Estonia got no love cuz their stuff is hella expensive like 2x my rent expensive! well thats all for now. im going exploring! ha det!


by Shelli Rodgers on Monday, March 28, 2011 at 1:06pm
Ou double tap two updates in one day boo yeah! Currently coughing up a lung. This penicillin is crap and I'm not taking any more of it.  Okay about Norway I went and got a beautiful ring from Heimen.  It has a design that is traditional to Telemark region of Norway.  I picked one from there because Jonas is from Rjukan which is in that region. I'll post pictures soon everyone i promise! I'm also trying to finish off my juice so I can pant my bottles. Pant is the norwegian way of recycling. Here is a youtube video of Karin a girl that I follow to learn more norsk and norwegian culture. There should be something similar to this in the states! Now I am getting ready to pack and and go to see Jonas!!!!!!!!!!! I will tell him your hellos Martina and Ashley. Im also debating on purchasing a Twilight book in norwegian.  I really want to get one but eh idk. Its cheaper to buy it here than order it online. Thas all I had a short day. I went and took more fotos for you guys.  I have plenty from my first visit. I'll post some of those too. Talk more later. Ha det!


by Shelli Rodgers on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 9:08am
I'M GOING TO TROMSØ I'M GOING TO TROMSØ!!! Which is very very north almost or possibly in the arctic circle. Right now I am hanging out downstairs at Anker hostel playing on the internet listening to mom's favorite song by Bruno Mars "eyes wide open why were they open ouu!!" I went to the Film Hus museum but they only play films at night and I won't be here. Oh well another time. And I bought a Sleek pallet! I've always wanted one but they dont sell in the US...... its just makeup. HEHE!  Thomas is picking me up and we're going to have coffee and go to the airport.  I wont be in Tromsø til 1030ish at night. But its supposed to be 24hr dark this time of year in Tromsø. I guess its starting to lighten up a bit though. Looking forward to seeing that. Last visit I saw the midnight sun. It was awesome! Thats all for now! ha det!


by Shelli Rodgers on Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 5:12am
Hello all! I apologize for not updating lately.  I evilly have gotten some cold which has been making me sad and annoyed. I hate being sick! Stupid effing coughing and boogers and coughing up boogers.  Other than that things have been groovy.  Tromso is quiet and covered in snow.  Just go back a month in WI and thats what it looks like here.  It makes me want to stay in cuz it snows suddenly once in a while during the day. There isn't much to do here in Tromso. I went to the university with Jonas and his school is so huge! I think its bigger than UWM. Or maybe it just looked like it. I went to the medical building being the dork that I am. I wondered around and saw the labs and students working. The bookstore had a "my first skeleton" a model. It made me laugh and reminded me of the horse skeletons we had to put together in my Large Animal class. Ugh my stomach hurts. I think its from coughing soo much.  Grrr!! Then Jonas showed me the social sciences section of the university; since that is where he usually is. And OH we went to his office where he works on his thesis. It looks so demanding and stressful. Gah! And a seminar is not only 4 people mister! Ha ha! Jonas had a "seminar" to go to for discussing their theses with the students in their program. Theres only 4 students! I was so shocked. I may go out today to an art museum and look for a bookstore. I just feel like resting to kick this cold but thats boring and lame cuz im in Norway and Im supposed to be oot and aboot doing fun stuff. Thats it for now. Im taking a quick nap! Oh wait I forgot Jonas made salmon and pasta and it was suuuuuuper yummi! and yes norwegian salmon IS better than alaskan.... sorry alaska.

Outside Jonasæ window


by Shelli Rodgers on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 10:18am
I have a slight hate for tromso now due to the fact that it is nothing but HILLS!!! HILLS HILLS AND MORE HILLS!!! My ass is killing me! Not that I don't need a workout but this is my va-ca! Nah I still love tromso.  Its beautiful and the hills arent that bad. Its about the same as living on madison west side. Annoying when you have to go up em but their not soo steep so its not that big of a deal. im just over exaggerating hahaha. Oh but wait I did see this lady on a mountain bicycle and I felt so bad for her. She was biking uphill and she had her chain set on the highest cog which for you non bike ppl is the biggest one on the rear wheel. It takes less effort to peddal but you move much slower. This girl... mmm... she was biking so hard to get up this hill and i was thinking "gurl if you don't switch gears you may as well walk up this mess" she was spinning and spinning and not getting anywhere! Anyhoo.... I went to the north art museum and it wasnt my fave. First I walked in and what did i see.......FRICKEN MINIMALISM CRAP!!! I hate that stuff. I don't know whos idea it was to take a canvas, paint it one color and call that art. Thas some bull shit. Yall know how much i fricken hate that shit! I dont know who saw my meltdown at Milw. art museum but UGH gah!! Hate it!! Nehoo it was beautiful outside today!! You know those bright sunny winter days when the air is cool and the sun glistens off the snow and the snow melts slightly. Aaaahh so nice, so wonderful. Anyhoo after walking back from the museum i was harrased by another senagalian. Yah know Im tired of that. I know for a fact that I don't look like I just walked outta africa. Fo reals! Par le vous francais this fool says to me and Im like No..... even though I knew what he said. Then his ass wanted to walk me back to Jonas'. I was like no and don't follow me I'll have my friend beat you up if i don't have to do it myself. (and i work out yall know i can land some hits) So that was the adventure for today. Ah hah! Now i'm back at the house and listening to jonas and his housemates chat. I love their accents but hmm i think andreas has a diff dialect but I could be wrong. AH i *heart* jonas' laugh!! its so effortless.  I heart laughs except my own since apparently its an evil cackle according to everyone. pftt!


by Shelli Rodgers on Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at 1:14pm


by Shelli Rodgers on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 at 7:09am

I believe I left off on my birthday!!!! Yay!!!! Jonas is the sweetest fella ever!!! He made yummi birthday breakfast.  With many different fish and the brown goat cheese that I love and cant find anywhere in the states no matter how hard i try! And there was cake a rolled cake that I forgot how to say. Jonas please tell me the name again. It was spongy and had yummi sweetness and strawberry in the middle.  I was so full I could only have one piece! Hmm I feel that norwegians eat a lot or maybe Jonas just liked making a lot of food... After breakfast Jonas took me for a walk into town. You all know how much I like to be taken on walks! I must be part horsey. We went to a cafe gallery. There was works by  a man that followed a family that herded reindeer for the 8 seasons. They were digital high contrast photography. I really enjoyed the photos. I wondered how the artist captured such active images. In a lot of the photos the background kept moving and the main subject was in focus. My favorite was a photo of a reindeer comming back to land and was being freed from a stall. He was so cute and jumping to freedom as the foto described. After the gallery we went to a bookstore where I bought yes yes I did Ved daggry! Thats Breaking Dawn of the Twilight saga. Its going to be my goal book for me to practice norwegian and become fluent. And a Norwegian-English-English Norwegian Dictionary.  I couldnt find one here in WI.  Though I bet if i drove to Stoughton I probably could have. Meh! After the walk we went back home to rest since Jonas had to work at the restaurant tonight. There was a party he wanted to go to but instead after work we went to a club that played reggae for the night. I met some more of Jonas´friends. The african men at the club got on my serious nerves.  I beleieved I was spoken to groped and asked for my number by all of them. Hmm one was funny though when ever he saw me he gave me a hug... The last one was demanding and I got my ghetto devil face bout to put some juju on your ass look on him. He had the nerve to follow me around asking me for my number and to come back to his place that ended when he grabbed my arm. Wrong move asshole!!  Im a black american woman from milwaukee! Bitch got served! After the club we walked the streets and ended up at a Burger King..... Then we went  back to Jonas house and went to bed. Thas it.  We stayed up til like 4am. I woke up at 8am. This is now my last day in Norway. Jonas had to work so he couldnt take me to the airport.  He felt really bad about that.  But it wasnt a problem. I was going to end up missing him no matter what. It was better I was able to get my cries out sooner then later. Which is always better. I must have cried for an hour at the airport. The only thing i hate about norway is that I always have to leave. It just reminds me of that aweful day 9 years ago at MIAD in milwaukee. sighs........ I left tromsø around 4pm. I flew out of tromsø to oslo at kl19.40 and arrived at oslo gardemoen at hmm 22.30 then I slept in the airport. I had my flight changed from 8.30 to 7am so I wouldnt have to stay at gardemoen so long and then run to my connecting flight in stockholm. That would have been insane. My original flight had me connecting 30mins after landing!! Gah!!   My flight home was great. Noone sat next to me so I could stretch out and watch movies. I felt like I was in first class. haha! Well that was the end. I had an excellent time and met great people.  Hopefully I can go back soon! Elsker deg Jonas!! ha det!!

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